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How to grow Fenugreek at home

If you enjoy homegrown greens then you might want to try growing Fenugreek.
When it comes to vegetable gardening, fenugreek has always been considered one of those perfect-for-beginners plants.
I started growing fenugreek because of my love for it. My husband and I love the various dishes that can be prepared from this three-lobed triangular leafed herb.
Fenugreek seeds are pungent and aromatic, small, yellow-brown seeds. They are great for health and have been traditionally used as a spice as well as medicine in the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East and northern Africa.
Fenugreek grows to about two feet(60cm), with yellow/white flowers and long yellow seedpods.
Fenugreek leaves are very easy to grow from seeds in containers or ground. Read on the following steps on how to grow fenugreek from seeds in containers or ground at home.

When to Plant

  • Fenugreek grows best when planted in full sun. It can grow well in spring to early autumn seasons, i.e. when the soil is warm. I have also grown it in winter but the growth is slow. Fenugreek grows best when the temperature is between 10°C to 30 °C
  • I have grown it during frost as well. It is advisable to start the germination indoors at least five weeks prior to the last frost of the season

Soil requirements

  • Fenugreek grows well in a neutral to slightly acidic soil
  • The soil should be well-drained
  •  Fenugreek seeds must be continually kept moist, but you also have to make sure that you don't over-water
  • Add organic material like compost and manure to help fertilize it better

Containers or Ground?

Fenugreek can be grown in any container or ground. I grow it in containers which also makes it useful in moving them indoors in case of frost.

Sowing the seeds

  • Sprinkle seeds across the container or the ground where you want to grow the herb
  • Cover the seeds with soil. Fenugreek does not need to be buried very deep in soil. ¼ inch of soil is enough to cover the seeds.Make sure that the soil is moist. The excess water should quickly drain away, but you will want to continue to keep it well-moistened every time

Water the seeds

  • Water the seeds well and keep the soil well-moistened
  • It usually takes 3-5 days for germination. The growth can be slower if the temperature is below 15°C
  • Once the seeds are germinated, they should not be transplanted


It takes between 3-4 weeks for the seedlings to be ready to harvest. You will know that it's time by the height of the sprouts, which should grow to about 6 inches.
I usually chop off just about 2-3 inches from the top of the plant when required.This will encourage more growth and you will be able to harvest fresh leaves again after 2-3 weeks. In case you want to collect the seeds, wait until the plant grows pods and they turn yellow. Once they have ripened, harvest the seed before the pod pops open.

  • The plant waste can be added to compost for rich nitrogen content